Winston's deep balls look good, but his short-range accuracy might be even more important to Sean Payton
CDA Don't forget where you heard it first about Winston
Christian I think people are really sleeping on jameis Winston I think he's going to have a career year once he gets his weapons back I mean watch out
gonna be fun to see how Michael Thomas fares with a QB who wants to throw deep
CdA, Winston will have a tremendous year. Top 5 Quarterback for the first half of the season. #You heard it here first.
don't know if i'd go that far -- Saints' wideouts are butt -- but i think he'll be fine
CDA Don't forget where you heard it first about Winston
Christian I think people are really sleeping on jameis Winston I think he's going to have a career year once he gets his weapons back I mean watch out
gonna be fun to see how Michael Thomas fares with a QB who wants to throw deep
CdA, Winston will have a tremendous year. Top 5 Quarterback for the first half of the season. #You heard it here first.
don't know if i'd go that far -- Saints' wideouts are butt -- but i think he'll be fine